Friday, June 22, 2012

App of the Week: Stack the States/Countries

Teachers of elementary school students must find ways to engage their students while still teaching them pertinent information. This is especially true when teaching Social Studies. As geography can become quite boring and there is a significant breadth of information, many teachers struggle to properly engage their students thus the students find the topics “boring”. Stack the States and Stack the States lite are U.S. geography apps designed for the iPad. The purpose of the app (lite is simply the free trial version) is to engage the students in recognizing the shape and location of states as well as important facts related to each state. The students are asked a question and given four states as possible answers. When the correct state is chosen the state becomes a Tertis like piece which then must be stacked. When the students reach the desired height (it varies) they are awarded a badge in the form of a state. The goal is to collect 50 badges. An amazing feature of this app is the when the students choose the correct answer, the state resizes itself so that it is the correct size in reference to other states. For example Delaware would be a tiny piece where as Alaska is quite large. 
Cost: Free (Stack the States Lite version) $1.99 full version. 
Grades: 3-8

Stack the Countries
This app is the same as the aforementioned app expect it substitutes countries for states. 
Cost: Free (Stack the Countries Lite version) $1.99 full version. 
Grades: 3-8

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